We have a fascinating show lined up for you tonight! Our guest Stan Deyo will be sharing some truly mind-boggling insights into a range of fascinating topics. From the mysteries of extraterrestrial life and their possible presence among us to the...
My special guest is True Crime author Keven McQueen. He has penned a spine-chilling book on horrific killings that were carried out using an ax. Get the book 'The Axman Came from Hell and Other Southern True Crime Stories' on Amazon.About the book:In...
I'm excited to introduce my special guest, Diana Mary Rose, who will shed light on the fascinating topics of Atlantis and Gaia: Magic, Reincarnation, and Earth Healing. Diana Mary Rose is an expert in natural medicines, such as homeopathy and herbs,...
My special guest tonight is author & researcher Gary Bates, who discusses why he thinks UFOs are demons according to the Bible. When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film Close Encounters of the ...
Psychiatrist Mark McDonald is here to discuss his book, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, as a special guest. Follow Our Other...
Season 9: My special guest is Alexandros Angelis who's here to discuss his book that explores mysteries from our ancient...
Tonight, Brenda Harris will discuss the Navajo people's perception of Sasquatch based on her experiences and encounters with the creature. Want Ad-Free Episodes and MORE exclusive content? Here's how: Follow Our Other...
My special guest is biologist, cryptozoologist, and biotech expert Patrick Spain. He is here to discuss the strange and mythological creatures he sat out to amass first-hand accounts of during his travels. https://www.patspain.com About the book:...
My special guest tonight is John Wingate, who's here to discuss spirit communications with the infamous Lost Boys of Hannibal that disappeared without a trace over 50 years ago, revealing their frightening demise....
My special guest is a researcher here to discuss her communication with a man who claims he was an officer in a Secret Space Program with unbelievable technologies. https://www.instagram.com/mysteriousradio...
Mary Joyce is my guest to discuss hidden places on earth. We will explore the methods used to uncover these secrets and their significance. https://www.amazon.com/SPY-SKY-Secrets-cover-ups-beyond/dp/0991181549 Follow Our Other...
My special guest is Vincent Fields who's here to discuss his book https://www.amazon.com/Astral-Projection-Lucid-Dreaming-Body/dp/B09PW4VXHR/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1706157591&sr=8-1 About the book:This book details the...
My guest tonight is Christopher Dee who sits down to discuss insights into the most violent women in the world. About the book:Christopher Berry-Dee, criminologist and bestselling author of books about the serial killers Aileen Wuornos and Joanne...
In this episode, Danielle Silverman and Dr. John Biger delve into Nigel Kerner's book, analyzing the terrifying plan they believe the Grey Aliens are executing. Get his book...
I'm delighted to welcome Derek Gallimore, an esteemed authority on the global workforce. Our discussion today will focus on a significant shift in this domain, and we'll explore the potential implications with an open mind. Get his...
In a recent study, researchers feared that every human being had microplastics inside their bodies. It's shocking, and the problem is only getting worse. My special guest is Erica Cirino, who's here to discuss her new book...
One of my all-time favorite guests is Bruce Olav Solheim. He's a college professor and a psychic medium who possesses the extraordinary ability to communicate with spirits from the other...
Is it real? My special guest tonight says there is more to consider when considering climate change. https://www.realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ About the book:200 Pages / 500 Illustrations / In bold and confident defiance of "the great and the...
Tonight, my special guest is Father Michael Maginot, who sits down to discuss the genuinely frightening demonic possession of a mother and her children. Witnesses said the children walked up a wall right in front of hospital staff, which prompted the...
My special guest is author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett, who is here to discuss one of the most astonishing UFO cases I've ever heard. Get his book...