Tonight, we sit down with my special guest author and researcher Chris Enss who is an amazing researcher on the history of the Old West and she shares the story of the legendary Doc Holiday's love interest Mary Kate Cummings aka Big Nose Kate and her...
Agartha , also known as Shambhala or Shangri-La , is a legendary kingdom that is said to be located inside the Hollow Earth at the Earth's core, inhabited by an ancient civilization known as the Agarthans . It is related to t...
Part One - The German Secret Society's mystique captures the imagination. According to reports, they had encounters with extraordinary beings that inspired them to pioneer the development of advanced flying machines capable of defying the laws of...
Part One - The German Secret Society's mystique captures the imagination. According to reports, they had encounters with extraordinary beings that inspired them to pioneer the development of advanced flying machines capable of defying the laws of...
Part Two - The report suggests that United States government officials have been in communication with Venusian spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings from the planet Venus, dating back to the atomic age and possibly even earlier. Follow Our Other...
Part One - The report suggests that United States government officials have been in communication with Venusian spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings from the planet Venus, dating back to the atomic age and possibly even ear...
My special guest is author Robert Fantina who's here to discuss his book Propaganda, Lies and False Flags: How the U.S. Justifies Its...
Tonight, my special guest is best-selling author Stacy Horn here to discuss the man who was considered The Einstein of Parapsychology who studied the paranormal for the government. “Author Stacy Horn dissects all the things that go bump in the...
We have all repeatedly heard about major UFO events, such as the Roswell UFO crash, England’s Super Storm Summer of UFOs, etc. Many books, articles, and blogs have been written about these cases. However, what many people don’t realize is that UFO...
Tonight, my special guest is author Roman Martin who's here to give you some guidance on how to join La Cosa Nostra that's detailed in his book Underworld: How to Survive & Thrive in The American Mafia. Have you ever fantasized about being...
Part Two: People have reported witnessing UFOs and encountering strange humanoids in some of the most remarkable UFO sightings over the years. Subscribe to UFO Witnesses in your chosen Podcast App for more episodes. Listen to part two by following...
My special guest tonight is Casper Stith, who's here to discuss how Satan is an enslavement program encasing mankind in an artificial reality. Get his book on Amazon. Book Intro: When you gaze into an abyss for long enough, the abyss gazes...
Part Two: The Moon has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue for humanity. Its presence has sparked countless questions and theories about its true nature and purpose. There are numerous reasons to believe that the mere existence of the Moon...
The Moon has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue for humanity. Its presence has sparked countless questions and theories about its true nature and purpose. There are numerous reasons to believe that the mere existence of the Moon signifies...
Tonight, my special guest is author Will Hart who's here to discuss his research into the likely hood that aliens had a hand in our creation. Explores evidence for the theory of directed panspermia--that life on Earth and the landscape of Earth...