Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Current Events Episodes

May 24, 2024

S9: Cern: The Large Hadron Collider

Tonight, we have the privilege of welcoming physicist Don Lincoln as our special guest. He is here to share his groundbreaking work utilizing the Large Hadron Collider located in Switzerland, also known as CERN. You can get h...

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Jan. 12, 2024

S9: Inside Outsourcing: How Remote Work, Offshoring & Global Employme…

I'm delighted to welcome Derek Gallimore, an esteemed authority on the global workforce. Our discussion today will focus on a significant shift in this domain, and we'll explore the potential implications with an open mind. Get his...

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Jan. 9, 2024

S9: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis

In a recent study, researchers feared that every human being had microplastics inside their bodies. It's shocking, and the problem is only getting worse. My special guest is Erica Cirino, who's here to discuss her new book...

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Jan. 5, 2024

S9: What’s Really Happening With Climate Change

Is it real? My special guest tonight says there is more to consider when considering climate change. About the book:200 Pages / 500 Illustrations / In bold and confident defiance of "the great and the...

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Dec. 25, 2023

S8: Chemtrails, Ancient Technology of Atlantis and Mind Control

My special guest reveals astonishing insight into what he says is massive efforts to divert humanity down a path of destruction. We also talk about the technology used by the people of Atlantis and more. Follow Our Other...

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