I continue my conversation with special guest Stan Deyo who's sharing some mind-boggling insights into a range of fascinating topics. From the mysteries of extraterrestrial life and their possible presence among us to the pressing issue of climate...
We have a fascinating show lined up for you tonight! Our guest Stan Deyo will be sharing some truly mind-boggling insights into a range of fascinating topics. From the mysteries of extraterrestrial life and their possible presence among us to the...
My special guest tonight is author & researcher Gary Bates, who discusses why he thinks UFOs are demons according to the Bible. When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film Close Encounters of the ...
Psychiatrist Mark McDonald is here to discuss his book, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, as a special guest. Follow Our Other...
My special guest is a researcher here to discuss her communication with a man who claims he was an officer in a Secret Space Program with unbelievable technologies. https://www.instagram.com/mysteriousradio...
Mary Joyce is my guest to discuss hidden places on earth. We will explore the methods used to uncover these secrets and their significance. https://www.amazon.com/SPY-SKY-Secrets-cover-ups-beyond/dp/0991181549 Follow Our Other...
In this episode, Danielle Silverman and Dr. John Biger delve into Nigel Kerner's book, analyzing the terrifying plan they believe the Grey Aliens are executing. Get his book...
Is it real? My special guest tonight says there is more to consider when considering climate change. https://www.realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ About the book:200 Pages / 500 Illustrations / In bold and confident defiance of "the great and the...
My special guest continues in this series of mind-blowing interviews. The sound was corrupted due to bad weather; however, we did our best to clean it up. Follow Our Other...
This interview was conducted before the recent UFO headlines that the Pentagon was admittedly investigating these sightings. Is this the end game? My special guest is author Jeffrey Wingo, who is here to discuss his book Alien Antichrist. In this...
My special guest reveals astonishing insight into what he says is massive efforts to divert humanity down a path of destruction. We also talk about the technology used by the people of Atlantis and more. Follow Our Other...
My special guest is here to discuss an alien presence that has been wreaking havoc on the entire population for thousands of...
My special guest tonight is investigative journalist Florence De Changy who's here to discuss her book about MH370 that reportedly disappeared without a trace...but not really. Her book The Disappearing Act: Featured on the N...