Super Secret Underground Bases: Part Two
Super Secret Underground Bases: Part Two
Here's part two with my special guest tonight, author and researcher Dr. Richard Sauder, who's here to discuss the many secret underground …
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Oct. 5, 2024

Super Secret Underground Bases: Part Two

Super Secret Underground Bases: Part Two

Here's part two with my special guest tonight, author and researcher Dr. Richard Sauder, who's here to discuss the many secret underground facilities within the United States and around the world.
 Working from government documents and corporate...

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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Here's part two with my special guest tonight, author and researcher Dr. Richard Sauder, who's here to discuss the many secret underground facilities within the United States and around the world.
 Working from government documents and corporate records, Sauder has compiled an impressive book that digs below the surface of the military's super-secret underground! Go behind the scenes into little-known corners of the public record and discover how corporate America has worked hand-in-glove with the Pentagon for decades, dreaming about, planning, and actually constructing, secret underground bases. This book includes chapters on the locations of the bases, the tunneling technology, various military designs for underground bases, nuclear testing & underground bases, abductions, needles & implants, military involvement in "alien" cattle mutilations, more. 50-page photo & map insert.

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