Salem Witch Trials
Salem Witch Trials
Tonight, my special guest returning to the show is author Rebecca F. Pittman to discuss the infamous Salem Witch Trails.     In 1692, a sma…
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Oct. 18, 2024

Salem Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials

Tonight, my special guest returning to the show is author Rebecca F. Pittman to discuss the infamous Salem Witch Trails.
 In 1692, a small village in Salem, Massachusetts, was suddenly attacked by the specters of flying witches and all manner of...

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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Tonight, my special guest returning to the show is author Rebecca F. Pittman to discuss the infamous Salem Witch Trails.
 In 1692, a small village in Salem, Massachusetts, was suddenly attacked by the specters of flying witches and all manner of evil. A group of young girls began "crying out" against their neighbors and family members. By the time it was over, nineteen people were hanged, one man crushed to death, and five succumbed to the ordeal of imprisonment. Today, despite the plague of witchcraft that had inflicted England, we still look at this one isolated incident of hysteria and madness, and ask "How did this happen?" This book offers answers to that question, along with exclusive interviews with the Salem Witch Trial's top experts. The book includes never-before-seen photographs and information about Proctor's Ledge from the experts and historians who located the actual site of the hangings. A focus on the paranormal activity happening in Salem is offered in The Haunting section. You will also find a nod to Hocus Pocus and other movies. Spotlights on the best lodging, restaurants, and tourist attractions are also listed, along with maps, and websites for further study. Rebecca F. Pittman is a best-selling author of 13 books, including The History & Haunting of Lizzie Borden, The History and Haunting of Salem, and many more. Her love of mysteries has found her on multiple TV and radio programs. Her website is, where you can sign up for her free Ghost Writings newsletter.

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