S9: UFO News: Pascagoula and The Plan To Reverse Engineer Alien Technology
S9: UFO News: Pascagoula and The Plan To Reverse Engineer A…
Pascagoula holds viewing party for Netflix documentary on 1973 UFO sighting Pascagoula, Mississpi. (WLOX) - Pascagoula’s legendary UFO stor…
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May 4, 2024

S9: UFO News: Pascagoula and The Plan To Reverse Engineer Alien Technology

S9: UFO News: Pascagoula and The Plan To Reverse Engineer Alien Technology
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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Pascagoula holds viewing party for Netflix documentary on 1973 UFO sighting
Pascagoula, Mississpi. (WLOX) - Pascagoula’s legendary UFO story is now part of a Netflix documentary.
“Files of the Unexplained” features chilling encounters from people across the world. Events are what witnesses describe as “unexplainable and strange occurrences.”
Friday night, residents of Pascagoula joined a viewing party to hear the night Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson say they were abducted by aliens.
For five decades, the story has been debated about what exactly took place on the Pascagoula River in October 1973.
Although both men have now passed away, the community continues the story of the closest encounter.
“We’re celebrating that. We have had a lot of traction about that. It’s been really good to see the story told on film. We’re excited. It’s been nearly 51 years. We have the marker underneath the Pascagoula Bridge where it happened. People are able to go and visit there whenever they like,” said Susannah Northrop, Executive Director of Pascagoula Main Street.
You can watch the full “Files of the Unexplained - Pascagoula Alien Abduction” documentary on Netflix.




Pascagoula holds viewing party for Netflix documentary on 1973 UFO sighting

PASCAGOULA, Mississpi. (WLOX) - Pascagoula’s legendary UFO story is now part of a Netflix documentary.

“Files of the Unexplained” features chilling encounters from people across the world. Events are what witnesses describe as “unexplainable and strange occurrences.”

Friday night, residents of Pascagoula joined a viewing party to hear the night Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson say they were abducted by aliens.

For five decades, the story has been debated about what exactly took place on the Pascagoula River in October 1973.


Although both men have now passed away, the community continues the story of the closest encounter.

“We’re celebrating that. We have had a lot of traction about that. It’s been really good to see the story told on film. We’re excited. It’s been nearly 51 years. We have the marker underneath the Pascagoula Bridge where it happened. People are able to go and visit there whenever they like,” said Susannah Northrop, Executive Director of Pascagoula Main Street.

You can watch the full “Files of the Unexplained - Pascagoula Alien Abduction” documentary on Netflix.





What was the Kona Blue program, and does it mean UFOs exist?

What was the Kona Blue program, and does it mean UFOs exist?



Declassified documents released by the Pentagon office charged with investigating UAPs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena, reveal the existence of a program to reverse engineer alien technology. But it never got off the ground because there was no such technology to be found.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which is the department within the Pentagon tasked with investigating UAP reports, released the documents following a detailed report that indicated the government had found no evidence of alien life or alien technology despite whistleblower claims of a secret UFO retrieval program.

What is Kona Blue?

Kona Blue was a plan for the government to reverse engineer alien technology from a recovered UFO. It was a special access, or top secret, program created with the goal of acquiring, identifying and reverse engineering what it calls AAVs, or advanced aerospace vehicles. Those now fall under the category of what the military calls UAPs and most people refer to as “UFOs.”

The documents laid out a budget between $12 and $15 million for the first year, $25 million for the second year and eventually an operating expense of more than $50 million. The purpose was national security, with a goal of “(accessing) recovered advanced technology and (determining) its threat capability.”

The program also had goals, including details on plans to reverse engineer any advanced technology and determine whether our adversaries, namely China and Russia, could have access to recovered AAVs.

Why was the Kona Blue project classified?

Kona Blue had been the subject of rumors for years, but the Defense Department only acknowledged it just this past month.

One justification for the program remaining classified was “AAV technology exists in and is accessible only with an SAP or special access program construct.”

Why was the Kona Blue program created and who was behind it?

As much as the program may sound like science fiction, the top scientist at the Department of Homeland Security, Tara O’Toole, the undersecretary of science and technology, approved it, so it was taken seriously at high levels.

Why was the Kona Blue program scrapped?

The DoD said it tossed the Kona Blue program for a very simple reason: It never found any alien technology to reverse engineer. The Department of Homeland Security, however, said the program was never actually approved in the first place.

What does the disclosure of Kona Blue mean for transparency around UFOs?

The Pentagon’s disclosure of the project is another step toward transparency, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle continue to seek answers following whistleblower testimony.

However, some of the leading voices, including Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., believe that the DoD is purposefully compartmentalizing information as part of a cover-up.

What did AARO’s report on UAPs say about claims made regarding Kona Blue and other historical projects?

AARO said that advocates for the project are partially responsible for the allegations, as some pushing for the program believe the government has secretly acquired alien technology. The program was also created with the premise that alien technology existed, which turned out to be false, potentially leading to confusion among some who were aware of the program.

Could a ‘new star’ appear in the sky this summer? Here’s what to know 

This is not the first time the government has had programs that existed to investigate possible UFOs, like Project Grudge and Project Bluebook, in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s, among others. While claims that the U.S. government possesses and has reverse engineered alien technology date back to the 1940s, with the 1947 Roswell event being the most famous, there has never been any proof of these claims.

Does this mean the government has confirmed aliens exist?

No. While scientists in certain agencies like NASA acknowledge that, mathematically, it is unlikely we are the only life in the universe, the government has repeatedly stated there is no concrete evidence of alien life or alien contact with Earth.


They say that the program was scrapped before any money was spent.

All the declassified papers are now listed at the link provided on mysterious radio






Occurred: 2024-03-11 22:11 Local
Reported: 2024-03-12 16:30 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 1

Location: Oscoda, MI, USA
Location details: Oscoda Michigan, THE WIND was very light with good aerial and land visibility, 50° F.

Shape: Fireball
Color: Red Grn White
Estimated Size: 1/2 size of a pencil head eraser, held at arms arm
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: N/NW sky.
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: 10
Estimated Speed: 150mph
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Stunningly well-defined ball of white, green and red colored lights, as it was falling!

Witnessed by myself with no others. Stepping out of my house at 10:11pmEST/NE lower Michigan To go to the garage and noticed a rapidly falling ball of light: red, green, and white, quickly falling to earth. The colors of red, green and white were stunning- bright and clear. Approximately 50°F with clear Sky and no wind,a good night for stargazing. The quick fall lasted approximately a full second. I am former
photographer / dark room tech who knows the difference between 1/1000 of a second and 1/250 of a second.

The white light seem to be brighter than the red and green, but the red and green were not dim by any means ! I almost called 911 because of the unusual configuration and clearness of the object. The ball of light did not Fade in nor Fade out. More akin to a light switch as it was falling. The background was clear sky/no moon visible with the stars clearly visible, including Polaris. The big dipper clearly visible. There was No problem visualizing the red and green colors within the circle shaped object. The colors were opaque and clear.
No sound was heard.



Occurred: 2024-03-11 21:30 Local
Reported: 2024-03-11 19:43 Pacific
Duration: Less than 10 seconds
No of observers: 3 - Military

Location: Hopewell, VA, USA
Location details: Dark, residential

Shape: Formation
Color: Bright Lights
Estimated Size: Big
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Just above the west
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Maybe a mile or more?
Estimated Speed: Slower than starlink for sure
Characteristics: Lights on object

Six or seven lights on sky. Seemed quite close.

Six or seven lights in sky, seemed way to close to be satellites. No sound. Lights were big and box or square in shape, slowly rotating from right to left, while they all in unison moved from right to left in the sky. This happened for what felt like seconds, and then the lights slowly dimmed and vanished in seconds as well. After the lights had cut off, it seemed like you could see a massive craft, that was maybe like a thick 3d pancake, but only for a brief moment. I've looked at several starlink videos and pictures, none of them looked like what we saw.




This link has video:



Occurred: 2024-03-11 18:47 Local
Reported: 2024-03-12 02:20 Pacific
Duration: 50 Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Shape: Other
Color: Blue
Estimated Size: 3 meters
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: South
Angle of Elevation: 21
Closest Distance: 300 meters
Estimated Speed: 60 km/h
Explanation: Balloon - Possible

Object flying across the sky with very unusual shape and color. Emitted no sound or light

Object moved across the sky at a reasonable fast pace. No light or sound came from it. Looked as if it had a blue to purple hue to it and was completely silent.





Occurred: 2024-03-11 02:55 Local
Reported: 2024-03-11 01:11 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Clair Shores, MI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Color: Bright White/Orange
Estimated Size: Extr large compared to previous sightings of orbs
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: North/Slightly NorthEast
Angle of Elevation: 25
Closest Distance: 20-40 miles but it could be far more
Estimated Speed: I have no way of determing this.
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

I viewed an extremely bright white object falling rapidly with orange exhaust almost in lines.

I think it was an object, but I do not know what it was. It was an extremely bright white object that was descending rapidly. It appeared almost like a half-disc or shieId/or a down arrow but in 1-2 seconds it is hard to explain what I saw. It also had orange lines or "streaks" behind it of which what I would deem to be fire-type lines behind it in the fall. It fell so fast and was an extremely large object which tells me it was rather close. I know I can't measure how far away I was from this object but this was very very close to me. There is an old AF base due North of me as well which I believe is still in some active phase.

To me this object appeared to be crashing, so it being a meteor came to mind. I just don't know. I have seen many many things in my life and being up late often or into the morning probably leads to these numerous sightings. I was out on a walk when I saw this.

Heidi Hollis Profile Photo

Heidi Hollis

Author, TV & Podcast Host, Cartoonist, and Therapist

Heidi Hollis, OTR/L, is known for having discovered, named, defined, and trademarked two otherworldly realities: Shadow People® and Hat Man®. These phenomena expose a peculiar bridge between Ufology, the paranormal and the spiritual world that Hollis has been speaking on in every format for years. With her first book, Hollis embarked on a unique journey to find answers about Shadow People® and Hat Man® that led her to literally name, define and inform the world about them as told in: The Secret War: A True Story About a Real Alien War and Shadow People®. Hollis has also written several other chart-topping books on a variety of phenomena touching on cryptozoology to holy encounters like The Hat Man®, Jesus Is No Joke, Picture Prayers, and others.

Hollis is the host of Dark Becomes Light. Anyone who has experienced something “out-of-the-ordinary” now has a place where they can share their experiences and get some direct insight! From Shadow People® to Hat Man® and aliens to angels—Heidi Hollis is here to help!

She welcomes you to share your experiences, ask for insight, vent, or comment and submit them to her website.

Heidi Hollis has been featured globally on various television and radio programs like Ancient Aliens, History’s Greatest Mysteries, The Proof is Out There, Strange Evidence, Alien Files, Beyond Belief with George Noory, The Unexplained Files, Mystery Hunters, as a cohost on The CW for Mysteries Decoded and many more! She is also an Occupational Therapist treating clients with psychological, cognitive, learning, and physical challenges… Read More

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