S9: UFO News - Airline Passenger Captures Clear Photo of UFO During Flight Over New York City
S9: UFO News - Airline Passenger Captures Clear Photo of UF…
An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling …
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S9: UFO News - Airline Passenger Captures Clear Photo of UFO During Flight Over New York City

S9: UFO News - Airline Passenger Captures Clear Photo of UFO During Flight Over New York City
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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling experts and sending federal aviation officials on a fact-finding mission Thursday.


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Possible UFO over NYC baffles passenger flying into LaGuardia


An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling experts and sending federal aviation officials on a fact-finding mission Thursday.

Michelle Reyes was on a commercial airline flight above LaGuardia Airport on March 25 when she captured video footage of a mysterious “flying cylinder” out of her plane window, she said on Facebook.

“The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw,” she told NewsNation Wednesday.

“Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately I haven’t heard back from them, they didn’t acknowledge my email.”



She said another person on the flight saw the out-of-this-world object and was stunned.

“It’s a little nerve-wracking that someone else saw what I saw,” she said.

Thomas Wertman, the state director of the Mutual UFO Network in Ohio, reviewed the footage for The Post and said the dark object was traveling at roughly 2,500 feet and was “relatively close” to the plane as it prepared for landing.

The object’s altitude, shape and location — near a major commercial flight path — appears to rule out that it could be a news helicopter, a drone or a military aircraft, Wertman said.

“Drones aren’t supposed to fly at that altitude, at least legally,” he said. “If it were something related to [military] defense or law enforcement,  you normally wouldn’t see it so close to a major flight lane.”

“That could be a potential hazard,” said Wertman, who has spent years studying the skies for evidence of interplanetary visitors.

The unusual round shape of the object struck him as “intriguing”  because it debunks the theory that it was a second plane filmed at an odd angle.

“It does not appear to be a commercial aircraft because I don’t see features like wings or a tail,” he said.

The plane Reyes was aboard was roughly 15 minutes away from LaGuardia Airport likely traveling at 230 mph when the video was shot, he said.

“It’s a very intriguing image,” he said. “It needs more research.”

There are other theories he can’t rule out, such as high-flying wildlife and weather balloons, without metadata from the footage and other information. 

Metadata would help him glean clues about the direction the plane was flying and the exact time of the sighting.

A Federal Aviation Administration official said Thursday the agency has “no reports” from pilots about the mysterious incident.

The flight number and time were not clear Thursday. 

Reyes didn’t immediately return a request for comment.






The UFO Hot Spot:


Coming to us from the National UFO Reporting Center




Occurred: 2024-04-25 01:26 Local
Reported: 2024-04-25 14:23 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Reynoldsburg, OH, USA
Location details: Caught on my Blink camera

Shape: Circle
Color: White
Estimated Size: No idea - but would have been big for my camera it
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West of my location
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: No idea
Estimated Speed: Don’t know
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Caught a round glowing white object on my Blink doorbell camera that seemed to be lowering in orbit on an arc toward Earth:S to N

Camera caught the image for about 5 seconds of total video but could have been happening longer as my camera was set to take multiple shots an hour at the time of the video capture.

It seemed almost completely round. Glowing bright white. Moving from Southern Sky toward Northern Sky in an arc toward the ground(?)/lower horizon

Could have been a satellite or plane but I have never caught anything like it before.




Occurred: 2024-04-24 23:40 Local
Reported: 2024-04-25 06:18 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Location details: Front yard of the house. Had a clear view of the sky for the inital sighting.

Shape: Triangle
Color: black
Estimated Size: Small to medium fighter jet size
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Northwest
Angle of Elevation: 60
Closest Distance: one to three miles
Estimated Speed: speed of a typical helicopter, maybe a bit slower
Characteristics: Lights on object

Two craft with a triangle light formation on the bottom and a flashing strobe light and zero engine noise flew past when I was outside.

I went outside around 11:40 PM EST to let my dogs out in the front yard of my house. Shortly after going outside, I noticed two blinking lights somewhat off in the distance, moving in the sky from north to south. As the lights got closer, I could start to see a triangle light formation on the bottom of the craft. There was also a blinking white strobe light on both crafts. I could make out the same triangle light formation on both crafts. Both crafts appeared to be identical. I could not see the craft clearly enough to make out its entire shape. I could mostly just see the triangle light formation and a blinking strobe light. But there was enough light to tell that these triangle lights were attached or part of the craft and not just floating lights. The two crafts were flying one in front of the other but with a safe enough distance between them. I would estimate the crafts' size to be about equal to a small or medium-sized fighter jet, like an F-16 or F-15, for example. The crafts made absolutely no sound whatsoever. No engine noises. No visible engine exhaust or afterburner. I would say these crafts were flying at about the same level you would expect a helicopter to be at if it were flying across a city. They were flying relatively slowly.

At this point of viewing the craft for maybe about a minute, I decided to run inside and get my phone as fast as I could to film. The time it took me to get my phone and start the video is probably about a minute. Unfortunately, I was not able to film when they were close enough to make out the triangle light formation. I filmed the craft continuing to fly north to south over the city of Indianapolis. By the time you see the craft in the video, I would say they are over downtown Indianapolis or possibly the Indianapolis International Airport. The craft flew in a relatively straight line when I could see them close. By the time they get over more of the city, they seem to be farther apart than when I first saw them. I wanted to go down to the end of the street to keep filming but decided to take the dogs inside first. By the time I came back outside, I could no longer see either of the crafts. I stayed outside continuing to look at the sky.

3-5 minutes after returning outside from letting the dogs in, I noticed a small white orb high in the sky. It appeared much higher in the sky than the two crafts I had witnessed. I saw the orb moving slowly in the sky for about 5 seconds when it suddenly vanished into thin air. I continued going in and outside for a few hours to see if any of the crafts returned, but clouds rolled in, and I did not see anything else that night.

A few details about the video: During the video, there appear to be three lights in the sky, but the light furthest to the right is a star, I believe. There also appear to be some bugs flying around near the camera at the end of the video. I did not have my camera’s auto-rotate feature on, and at one point in the video, I turned the camera horizontally, causing the video to be sideways. I do not have any video of the white orb I saw; it was gone before I could turn my camera back on.

I would consider myself very knowledgeable about what most military aircraft and helicopters from World War II and newer look and sound like. I read about military aviation quite frequently and have been to many airshows.




NUFORC Sighting 181258

Occurred: 2024-04-24 21:30 Local
Reported: 2024-04-24 19:51 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Munfordville, KY, USA
Location details: Left side of the moon. Flying off of the surface of the moon

Shape: Circle
Color: Black
Estimated Size: A large black aircraft
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: Straight across from me in the sky.
Angle of Elevation: 74
Estimated Speed: Very fast
Characteristics: Landed

I was looking through my telescope and took a picture and it was on live. I noticed a black circle aircraft flying off the moon

A black circular aircraft was seen flying off of the moon’s surface and was witnessed by 2 people. I have video evidence




NUFORC Sighting 181262

Occurred: 2024-04-24 21:30 Local
Reported: 2024-04-25 07:15 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: -11

Location: Interlachen, Florida, United States
Location details: Was outside facing east and I saw five bright lights flying fast in a triangle formation.

Shape: Circle
Color: White
Estimated Size: Unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: East
Angle of Elevation: 80
Closest Distance: Unknown
Estimated Speed: Extremely fast

Never seen anything like it.

I first noticed a fast moving star I assumed was the Space Station. I went inside to show my mother and when I went back outside there were now five bright objects moving in a triangle that then flew apart in separate directions.

Posted 2024-04-27


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Heidi Hollis

Author, TV & Podcast Host, Cartoonist, and Therapist

Heidi Hollis, OTR/L, is known for having discovered, named, defined, and trademarked two otherworldly realities: Shadow People® and Hat Man®. These phenomena expose a peculiar bridge between Ufology, the paranormal and the spiritual world that Hollis has been speaking on in every format for years. With her first book, Hollis embarked on a unique journey to find answers about Shadow People® and Hat Man® that led her to literally name, define and inform the world about them as told in: The Secret War: A True Story About a Real Alien War and Shadow People®. Hollis has also written several other chart-topping books on a variety of phenomena touching on cryptozoology to holy encounters like The Hat Man®, Jesus Is No Joke, Picture Prayers, and others.

Hollis is the host of Dark Becomes Light. Anyone who has experienced something “out-of-the-ordinary” now has a place where they can share their experiences and get some direct insight! From Shadow People® to Hat Man® and aliens to angels—Heidi Hollis is here to help!

She welcomes you to share your experiences, ask for insight, vent, or comment and submit them to her website.

Heidi Hollis has been featured globally on various television and radio programs like Ancient Aliens, History’s Greatest Mysteries, The Proof is Out There, Strange Evidence, Alien Files, Beyond Belief with George Noory, The Unexplained Files, Mystery Hunters, as a cohost on The CW for Mysteries Decoded and many more! She is also an Occupational Therapist treating clients with psychological, cognitive, learning, and physical challenges… Read More

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