S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India
S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India
Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother …
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May 30, 2024

S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India

S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India
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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother had, many years back.

My mother was fast asleep in the afternoon when I, and my sister were in school and my father (who was at his workplace) were not present at home.

My mother had just opened her eyes to drink water which was kept in front of her when suddenly she saw a middle aged British woman, who was wearing a frock and had golden hair. My mother saw her Read more on mysteriousradio.com 



Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother had, many years back.

My mother was fast asleep in the afternoon when I, and my sister were in school and my father (who was at his workplace) were not present at home.

My mother had just opened her eyes to drink water which was kept in front of her when suddenly she saw a middle aged British woman, who was wearing a frock and had golden hair. My mother saw her and got scared badly and closed her eyes. The woman ghost came and slept aside my mother. My mother was scared to death and started praying to God. She said, after a long time, the door bell rang and my father came. She did not tell about this frightening experience to anyone, except for my grandmother (my father's mother) who dismissed it as hallucination.

After few years when we all were out, my grandmother was alone at home, reading a cookery book. Suddenly she saw the same ghost, which my mother had mentioned to her and which she had dismissed as my mother's imagination, with the same facial features and description as my mother had told her. My grandmother (now dead) told my mother, that the ghost was smiling in a evil manner at her and was going to harm her, when she started reciting the ganpati hymns and the evil thing went far from her and vanished in thin air.

It has been many years since this frightening experience, but whenever my mother speaks about this incident, she still starts shivering with fear, remembering the evil lady ghost. After that we conducted many godly rituals at home and the evil atmosphere in my home disappeared and every thing came to normal.

Friends, can anyone explain me all about this incident and tell me from where did the evil lady ghost arrive from and what it exactly wanted. I would be thankful to you all readers, ifyou can find a solution to this question of mine. Waiting impatiently for your views on this story.


Date: 2023-01-27
Country: India
Paranormal Category: Haunted Places


In the late 1980s, our locality had a thin, but very brave watchman. He and his brother would watch the security of our houses at night. They both were honest to the core and bravest of the brave. Everyone in the locality loved them, especially that watchman.

Although there were no such things as robbery and theft in our & other neighboring localities, everybody felt a necessity of having a watchman both day and night - "Night" to be precise. Our locality had those 2 watchmen brothers only at night because we didn't feel the need for one in the daytime.

The early '80s were comparatively very peaceful compared to the late '80s. Because in the late '80s, there was a sudden increase in thefts, robberies, extortion, etc. (All thanks to the media for glorifying the Mumbai Underworld; every roadside bully, and the street gangs started dreaming to become a Mafia.). The cops tried their best to check these matters and succeeded a lot, yet there were still a few of those 'wannabees' who always managed to escape.

Though no harm ever happened to civilians during day time, the nights always brought fear to the localities and a chance of having a way with their misdeeds for those robbers.

A few times these robbers did try to enter the apartments, homes, etc; but the alert people and those two watchmen successfully fended them off.

Days passed smoothly, tension free.

Then one night that very unpleasant, unthinkable, and 'fateful' thing took place.


During a failed attempt at burglary and fighting off the watchman, one of the culprits attacked the watchman. That culprit somehow got the upper hand and brutally killed our beloved watchman.

It was really bad luck as the brother of that watchman was not present there due to his health issues.

The injuries were so fatal that the watchman breathed his last then & there.

This incident shook us all.

A huge outrage broke. Chaos occurred everywhere. We all strictly demanded the arrest of those burglars and especially that murderer.

After two months or so, the cops caught the culprits and presented them in court. All were given 20 years or so of jail imprisonment.

Now here come 2 mysterious things -

One is; after a few days in jail, one night one of those culprits suddenly started shouting and crying for help.

When the jail attendant asked the reason for this behavior, he cried and asked them to 'take this man out of here and please don't let him come here', pointing at one corner of his cell.

The attendants checked the cell thoroughly but they didn't find anything or anyone suspicious.

The next night again, that culprit/prisoner started crying and shouting for help. Upon asking, he repeated the same lines which he had said last night. Just to make sure, the attendants checked his cell but again didn't find anything at all.

This happened consecutively for the next couple of nights. And one morning nearly 10 am he was found dead in his cell.

Later it was revealed that the time when that culprit used to scream in panic was exactly the same time when he had brutally killed the watchman. And in the morning the time when he died was the same as when the watchman was cremated!

Sounds very fanciful and surprising, right?!

But it's true.

The other thing is whenever someone tried for robbery etc. He/they had completely lost their mental state the very next morning. Nobody knows the exact reason... To date!

We all miss him. He was honest, humble, and helpful. He was a Gem.

Thank you guys for being patient & reading this long story.

Pardon me for my English mistakes, (if there are any).




Date: 2024-04-22
Country: India
Paranormal Category: Non Human Entities


Assalamu alaikum and greetings!

This incident was narrated to me by my late father and happened sometime in the early 1960s. I would like to give a bit of background about my dad, who was born and bred in Hyderabad Deccan and was a medical doctor by profession having graduated from the Usmania University. He migrated to Karachi, Pakistan in the late 1960s and this incident is from his teenage life. He married here in Karachi as a result, I and my siblings were born here and haven't visited India yet. Hence, I welcome any corrections regarding any sort of misunderstandings that I may have regarding Hyderabad Deccan or India in general as I am not a native and I am sure you all will overlook such misconceptions.

My father had a lot of fond memories from his beautiful and historic birth place of India and used to tell us many stories from his childhood, many pleasant however a few very strange of which this one disturbing incident was downright chilling which used scare the living daylights out of us when we were children.

According to my father, Hyderabad Deccan was not much developed in terms of industrialization in those days as it is definitely now and the outskirts of the city were relatively less developed.

This experience happened in my father's maternal aunt's house in such a locale. The house had ground plus one floor and on the ground floor just adjacent to the exit door there was a large caged enclosure for chickens adhered to the entire length of the wall, as was customary to have in quite a few houses those days for domestication purposes. The exit from the ground floor led in to the spacious courtyard which led to the outside of the house through the main gate.

In the summer, it was common for the family to relax in the courtyard at night after dinner, lying down and resting on charpoys (sort of a light wooden bed) placed at some distance from the main gate.

It was one such night, when my father and his cousin (aunt's son) had dinner earlier than usual and decided to relax in the courtyard, chatting and playing board games. They got tired after staying up late and decided to sleep outside on a charpoy located some distance from the main entrance of the house, which was clearly visible from the foot end of the charpoy. My dad was really tired and went in to deep sleep immediately while, his cousin was mildly sleepy and was lost deep in his thoughts with his eyes half closed.

The night was quiet and there was pin-drop silence. After a while, he heard a slow creaking sound like the metal entrance of the house slowly opening to the inside. It disturbed him a bit as it was already past midnight and people those days used to go to sleep early. What he saw next took the wind out of him as he froze and felt chills down his spine. He saw an almost 7 feet tall figure dressed in black with no head entering the main entrance, slowly in a dragging manner. It was not apparent whether it was a man or woman. It slowly walked past them towards the entrance door of the ground floor where the chicken enclosure was situated.

The poor boy was frozen in his place unable to utter any sound, frightened at the eerie sight. For a long time, there was no sound from inside like the entity just disappeared. But after what felt like ages, his cousin again heard the slow dragging sound of the figure moving and slowly walking back towards the main entrance of the house and exiting the open gate. The boy now gathering a bit of courage to move, pulled his blanket on his face and started reciting verses from the holy scripture. For obvious reasons, he couldn't sleep the entire night and narrated the whole incident to my dad when he woke up.

His cousin was really sick and frightened so my dad decided to check the passage from where the figure passed by. When my dad came to the chicken enclosure, he was shocked to see all the chickens were dead. Just a heap of chickens with their necks neatly twisted the other way round. This horrifying and surreal sight sent him running through the house waking all the family members, who had absolutely no idea that the figure even came at night.

What really shocked everyone was the fact that not even a single chicken out of many even made any slightest sort of sound so as to alert anyone. How come all the chickens just sat there quite and still while the headless specter was killing them one by one? Needless to say, the family members stopped using the courtyard for any sort of recreation or leisure after that.

My father had no idea to the day he last narrated this incident what that entity was, where it came from and whether it had any attachment to the house before or after that incident.

The experience is narrated to the best of my ability as I can recall it and I would like to know what you guys think.


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Heidi Hollis

Author, TV & Podcast Host, Cartoonist, and Therapist

Heidi Hollis, OTR/L, is known for having discovered, named, defined, and trademarked two otherworldly realities: Shadow People® and Hat Man®. These phenomena expose a peculiar bridge between Ufology, the paranormal and the spiritual world that Hollis has been speaking on in every format for years. With her first book, Hollis embarked on a unique journey to find answers about Shadow People® and Hat Man® that led her to literally name, define and inform the world about them as told in: The Secret War: A True Story About a Real Alien War and Shadow People®. Hollis has also written several other chart-topping books on a variety of phenomena touching on cryptozoology to holy encounters like The Hat Man®, Jesus Is No Joke, Picture Prayers, and others.

Hollis is the host of Dark Becomes Light. Anyone who has experienced something “out-of-the-ordinary” now has a place where they can share their experiences and get some direct insight! From Shadow People® to Hat Man® and aliens to angels—Heidi Hollis is here to help!

She welcomes you to share your experiences, ask for insight, vent, or comment and submit them to her website.

Heidi Hollis has been featured globally on various television and radio programs like Ancient Aliens, History’s Greatest Mysteries, The Proof is Out There, Strange Evidence, Alien Files, Beyond Belief with George Noory, The Unexplained Files, Mystery Hunters, as a cohost on The CW for Mysteries Decoded and many more! She is also an Occupational Therapist treating clients with psychological, cognitive, learning, and physical challenges… Read More

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