S9: Introducing: Fear Chat
S9: Introducing: Fear Chat
Welcome to Fear CHAT, your go-to place for everything horror and more! Today, Bigg, Antonio, and Jeremy will discuss genre-bending horror f…
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Aug. 14, 2024

S9: Introducing: Fear Chat

Welcome to Fear CHAT, your go-to place for everything horror and more! Today, Bigg, Antonio, and Jeremy will discuss genre-bending horror films that may have changed how we view horror. Think Jennifer Lopez in 'The Cell' or Jim Carrey in 'The Number...

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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Welcome to Fear CHAT, your go-to place for everything horror and more! Today, Bigg, Antonio, and Jeremy will discuss genre-bending horror films that may have changed how we view horror. Think Jennifer Lopez in 'The Cell' or Jim Carrey in 'The Number 23'!

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