S9: End Times Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You
S9: End Times Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You
Tonight, we have a special guest, Brian Godawa, who is an author and screenwriter. He will be discussing the misinterpretation of the event…
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April 6, 2024

S9: End Times Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You

S9: End Times Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You

Tonight, we have a special guest, Brian Godawa, who is an author and screenwriter. He will be discussing the misinterpretation of the events described in the End Times Prophecy. If you are interested in learning more, you can get his book, "End Time ...

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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Tonight, we have a special guest, Brian Godawa, who is an author and screenwriter. He will be discussing the misinterpretation of the events described in the End Times Prophecy. If you are interested in learning more, you can get his book, "End Time Bible Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You", on Amazon.



About the book:

Are We Living in the Last Days?

Are you confused by all the speculation out there about the End Times?

Are you frustrated with how often the predictions fail?

Has the Left Behind interpretation left you unsatisfied?

Do you want to know what Jesus really said about the End of the Age?


Then this controversial hard-hitting book of shocking revelations is for you!

What Does the Bible Really Say about the End Times?

There are so many Christians teaching outrageous speculation about End Times Bible prophecy these days. It’s enough to frustrate the serious Bible student.

What if you found out most of it is simply mistaken?

What if you found out that everything that modern prophecy pundits are looking for -- the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, The Beast -- was not what they told you it was, but something different?

What Jesus Himself Said About the End of the Age

Here are a few of the things you’ll be astounded to read about in this book:



  • You’ll hear Godawa’s own personal journey in changing his understanding of the End Times.
  • You’ll find out how hyperliteralism corrupts Bible Prophecy interpretation.
  • Godawa focuses on Jesus’ own predictions about the End of the Age in Matthew 24.
  • You’ll discover the dirty little secret behind the so-called Rapture.
  • The truth about the Last Days. It’s not what they told you.
  • Just what is the Great Tribulation and when did it happen?
  • What the heck are those cosmic catastrophes in the heavens?
  • The shocking truth about Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation
  • You’ll be amazed when you see how the coming of Christ on the clouds has been completely misunderstood by well-meaning but misinformed prophecy pundits.


This is not newspaper exegesis, but intense Bible study. Guaranteed to inspire your love for God’s Word and His promises to His people.



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Brian Godawa Profile Photo

Brian Godawa


Brian Godawa is an award-winning Hollywood screenwriter (To End All Wars), a controversial movie and culture blogger (www.Godawa.com), an internationally known teacher on faith, worldviews and storytelling (Hollywood Worldviews), an Amazon best-selling author of Biblical fiction (Chronicles of the Nephilim), and provocative theology (God Against the gods). His obsession with God, movies and worldviews, results in theological storytelling that blows your mind while inspiring your soul. And that’s not fiction.

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