Dec. 3, 2022

S7: UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact

S7: UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact
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S7: UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact

My special guest tonight is author Jeff Danelek who's here to discuss his book called  UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact.     UFO sightings in outer space are sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by astronauts while in space that they could not explain at the time. These sightings have been claimed as evidence for alien visits by ufologists.  Some of the alleged sightings never occurred: science fiction writer Otto Binder perpetuated a hoax claiming Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong had encountered UFOs during the Apollo mission.[1]UFO proponents see comments by astronauts or photos processed by NASA as one of the "strongest bodies of evidence" because they are considered to be of high trustworthiness; however, NASA Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs, Robert F. Allnut, concluded in a 1970 letter, "after fifteen years of manned space voyages including space stations and landing on the Moon, spacemen have brought back not a shred of evidence – verbal, photographic, or otherwise – for the existence of extraterrestrial spacecraft, or 'UFOs'."[2]  In 2009, footage from NASA was posted on YouTube by ufologists which "renew[ed] UFO conspiracy theories that the government is hiding knowledge about its interactions with intelligent life" by relying on a "lack of context" to promote a "collection of indistinct imagery and allegations".[3] A number of the incidents were collected for an episode of the 2014 television series Are We Alone?     Are we alone in the universe?  UFOs and all related phenomena have been deeply embedded into our culture’s consciousness―the possibility that aliens are among us can’t be easily dismissed or ignored. Today, one burning question keeps the fire of speculation raging: Do aliens really exist?  With a fair-minded, yet incisive, look at the case for and against extraterrestrial life, J. Allan Danelek takes you on a tantalizing tour of the controversial issues, paranormal experiences, and scientific theories surrounding UFOs and alien intelligence in this stimulating book on UFOs.  One big conspiracy?  Decide for yourself as you consider the fascinating facts―the mysterious crash in Roswell, crop circles, alien abductions, radar and satellite observations, and more. Danelek delves into government cover-ups, examines the prospect of space travel, and even proposes scenarios of first contact with an alien race.  By taking part in this captivating discussion, we can discover the truth about our world and gain insight into human nature. What will the ever-evolving UFO debate reveal about your beliefs?      

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