S7: Haunted Shores
S7: Haunted Shores
Tonight, Dale Jarvis joins me to discuss ghost stories from the province of Newfoundland. Get his book Haunted Shores: True Ghosts Stories …
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Oct. 20, 2022

S7: Haunted Shores

S7: Haunted Shores

Tonight, Dale Jarvis joins me to discuss ghost stories from the province of Newfoundland. Get his book Haunted Shores: True Ghosts Stories of Newfoundland and Labrador on Amazon.   From the northern shores of Labrador to the south coast of Newfoundland, there are as many ghost stories as there are bays and inlets. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador is rich with tales of ghost ships, mysterious lights, sinister spectres, tokens of impending death, headless pirates and murdered loves. From legends of phantom loggers to stories of possessed teapots, Haunted Shores: True Ghost Stories of Newfoundland and Labrador is an eerie exploration of the phantom-filled nooks and crannies of the province. Why does a mournful lady ghost return to Arnolds Cove every November? Do ghostly submarines still sail the waters of Trinity Bay? What is the most haunted street in St. Johns?  Drawn from both archival sources and first-hand accounts, the stories herein weave together anecdote, oral tradition, history and folklore to form a rich tapestry depicting a rarely explored side of Newfoundland and Labrador.


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