S7: Are UFO's Healing  People
S7: Are UFO's Healing People
My special guest tonight is author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett, who's here to discuss the phenomenon of people claiming that a UFO h…
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Jan. 17, 2022

S7: Are UFO's Healing People

S7: Are UFO's Healing  People
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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

My special guest tonight is author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett, who's here to discuss the phenomenon of people claiming that a UFO healed them. Get his book The Healing Power of UFOs: 300 True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials on Amazon.        Do you enjoy paranormal episodes? Follow our new podcast 'Paranormal Fears' on any podcast app or Apple Podcasts.  Are ETs healing humans? The answer, of course, is yes! In this landmark book, The Healing Power of UFOs, leading UFO researcher Preston Dennettinating's compilation presents more than 300 cases of people whose extraterrestrials have healed. Supported by firsthand eyewitness testimonies stretching back more than 100 years to the present day, coming from across the United States and the world, this book proves that healing humans is one of the primary alien agendas on our planet. Verified by doctors and leading UFO researchers, the UFO healing cases represent incontrovertible evidence of UFO reality. Preston Dennett began his research into UFO healing in the early 1990s. His first book, UFO Healings (1996, Wild Flower Press), was the first book published on the subject and presented more than 100 cases. This new volume presents the original cases (with further information) plus 200 more, many of which have never been published. Preston Dennett has documented and researched healing cases for over 25 years and is the world’s leading expert on UFO healing accounts. This landmark book is the culmination of his research and settles the question once and for all that medical healings as the result of a UFO encounter do happen. The healings include a wide variety of conditions. Injuries and flesh wounds, colds, flu and infections, serious diseases--ETs have cured all. Inside, you will find:•More than 70 healings of injuries.•More than 50 healings of colds, minor illnesses, and ailments.•More than 120 healings of severe diseases and chronic diseases.•More than 40 healings of cancer.•Cases involving “health upgrades.”•Cases involving the healing of animals and even plants.•A study of the connection between UFO abductions and psychic healing.•Accounts in which people have been “rescued” by ETs.•A study of miraculous cures from angels, NDEs, OBEs, lightning strikes, past life therapy, Native American ceremonial healings, and more that our governments have obtained UFO healing technology and are using it for themselves. Who is being healed and why? What types of ETs are doing the healing? How are these healings being done? Are ETs our friends or foes? This massive 500-page book dives into the heart of the phenomenon and answers all these questions and more. Ignored for far too long, the UFO healing cases show a positive aspect to a phenomenon that has been saturated with disinformation for decades. The truth can no longer be denied. The aliens have arrived, and as this book will show, one of their primary missions is the healing of all humanity.   

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