Feb. 3, 2022

S7: A Sociologist's Encounters with Unidentified Aerial Objects, Unexplained Events and Mysterious Beings

S7: A Sociologist's Encounters with Unidentified Aerial Objects, Unexplained Events and Mysterious Beings
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S7: A Sociologist's Encounters with Unidentified Aerial Objects, Unexplained Events and Mysterious Beings
Tonight, my special guest is Dr. Simeon Hein, who's here to discuss his journey from not believing in alien life forms to his amazing revelations through the study of remote viewing. Get his book Black Swan Ghosts on Amazon.

 Black Swan Ghosts investigates how our society treats witnesses to unexplained events, unidentified aerial objects, and mysterious beings. It’s a topic I once dismissed as weird, fringe, and crazy—something I’d avoid. 
 However, after getting involved in Remote Viewing and getting to know participants in this previously classified government program, I began encountering more highly credible witnesses to these hard-to-explain phenomena. And after a while, the weight of the evidence overcame my doubts about the authenticity and veridicality of these subjects. 
 This investigates why our society is so reluctant to engage and address the critical issues such phenomena raise. Why are we afraid to take the subject seriously? What are the consequences to the witnesses? Exactly what kind of universe do we live in? 
 This includes witness stories from a former Air Force and commercial pilot, children of high-ranking Air Force officials, an aerospace engineer, a former NASA astrobiologist, a retired U.S. government remote viewer, and many others.
 You’ll hear and see what it’s like to come face-to-face with the unknown. It’s now time for their stories to be heard. And it’s time we all started listening. Now includes video interviews on the BlackSwanGhosts.com website with many of the witnesses in the book. 
 Includes witness accounts of:
 ▪ A hostile encounter between U.S. Air Force jets and a strange object over Lake Superior in the 1960s
 ▪ B-52s during the Cold War get scanned by mysterious objects from space near the Soviet border
 ▪ former government remote viewer recounts contact with an alien control panel and interview by intelligence agents
 ▪ campers on Silbury Hill, UK, witness strange luminous objects hovering with a secondary sighting by supporting witness
 ▪ NASA astrobiologist shows evidence of meteoric extraterrestrial fossils, suppressed Skylab UFO photos, and first-hand account of accidental near-launch of Soviet nuclear missiles caused by huge unidentified disc
 ▪ A woman and friend have a car stall and experience missing time near Mt. St. Helens
 ▪ Man and friend see a flying disc and its occupant land at night and then get mysterious phone calls
 ▪ and much, much more!
 Visit his website BlackSwanGhosts.com.
 An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. Upon investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while few remain unexplained.
 Scientists and skeptic organizations such as the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry have provided prosaic explanations for a large number of claimed UFOs being caused by natural phenomena, human technology, delusions, or hoaxes. Small but vocal groups of ufologists favor unconventional or pseudoscientific hypotheses, often claiming that UFOs are evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Beliefs surrounding UFOs have inspired parts of new religions.
 While un

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