S6: Bigfoot Analysis: The Sighting of A Legend
S6: Bigfoot Analysis: The Sighting of A Legend
My special guest is Bill Munns, who worked in Hollywood during the 1970s as a top creator of monster costumes and has studied the Patterson…
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Nov. 10, 2021

S6: Bigfoot Analysis: The Sighting of A Legend

S6: Bigfoot Analysis: The Sighting of A Legend
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Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews
My special guest is Bill Munns, who worked in Hollywood during the 1970s as a top creator of monster costumes and has studied the Patterson-Gimlin Film for years.
 In the Patterson-Gimlin Film, the Hominid's stackable intense debate provokes the remark and the solution to the mystery. This book offers a genuinely unique analysis of the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film (the “Bigfoot” film, as it is also known), addressing the question of hoax or fraud from the perspective of a professional makeup and creature effects designer, as well as the perspective of a vintage filmmaker. The film itself is truly the best evidence, far superior to any testimony, recollections, and similar descriptive accounts, and this analysis relies upon that best evidence only for the definitive study in the 47-year history of this mysterious piece of film footage. This book is primarily written for the people who have not made up their minds, are curious about this bizarre film, and have not yet formed an opinion about its authenticity. Hopefully, this book will also be valuable to scholarly people willing to evaluate this film with an academic and factual approach. The film is a remarkable mystery, and its controversy is a fascinating commentary on human nature. The truth of the Patterson-Gimlin Film is quite an extraordinary story.

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