Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Amazing show, nasty reviewers lie!

I just found this show, she has great production value and great guests. I haven’t listened to the “sandy hook” episode all of these lunatics keep getting outraged about but I have a message for you lunatics. Go find your hugbox elsewhere you nuts are just waiting to get outraged about everything and tell others how to run their show what to say or not say be sure they just want to censor people. I don’t agree w sandy hook conspiracy or holocaust denial but I at least can tolerate bad ideas and hear people out without breaking down into a tantrum over controversy. People who can’t hear controversial topics without losing their minds are low IQ people not worth engaging.

Thanks for your show and don’t listen to these idiots.

Dec. 3, 2018 by Fkatt on Apple Podcasts

Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

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