Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico...
Please support Charles Lear by picking up his books from Amazon or your local bookstore. Follow Our Other Shows Follow UFO Witnesses Follow Crime Watch Weekly Follow Paranormal Fears Follow Seven: Disturbing Chronicle Stories...
A 1970 UFO and Humanoid Report From Spain....
My special guest is author and researcher Charles Lear who's here to discuss his book Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens: The Emergence of the Popular Modern UFO Mythos in the Late 20th...
My special guest is Bruce Rapuano who's here to discuss his alien abduction experiences. Get his book Dominion Lost: A Scientist Alien Abduction Encounters from Amazon now. The author, who has multiple degrees in neuroscience...
My special guest tonight is Ali Saidatan who's here to discuss the alien-hybrids that are being created to replace the human race in secret. Abductions in History: While "alien abduction" did not achieve widespread attention until the 1960s, many...
Tonight, my special guest is author and researcher Mike Celland who has written an interesting book about the connection between ufo sightings and owls. Get his book here. Without question, this is a classic by one of the most exciting new authors in...
The question of the origin of UFOs has puzzled scientists and enthusiasts for decades. Despite numerous theories and alleged sightings what's the true source of these craft seen by millions all over the world? Follow Our Other Shows...
Is it possible that a specific group has been controlling humanity by using their contact with extraterrestrial beings and the advanced technology that resulted from it? Have they selfishly used these resources and denied humanity access to their...
The event known as The Phoenix Lights refers to a series of widely reported unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, and the Mexican state of Sonora on March 13, 1997. This event attracted...
Special guest returning to the show is Dr. Richard Lawrence here to discuss his book UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message. Visit Dr. George King's Website Spiritual investigator Richard Lawrence looks at the evidence for extraterrestrial...
Throughout history, numerous reports and accounts suggest the existence of a wide variety of alien species that have allegedly been interacting with humanity for an extensive period. While some of these species may be well-known or depicted in popular...
Throughout history, numerous reports and accounts suggest the existence of a wide variety of alien species that have allegedly been interacting with humanity for an extensive period. While some of these species may be well-known or depicted in popular...
Returning to the show tonight is my special guest author Dr. Bruce Solheim who's here to talk about his new book called 'Timeless Trinity - An Extra-Terrestrial and Paranormal Personal History. Timeless Trinity is the completion of Solheim's...
Part Two - The Story of Valiant Thor, who claimed he was a being from the planet Venus, and his interactions with Dr. Frank Stranges during his 3-year stay at the White House and the message he carried about humanity. Follow Our Other Shows...