Feb. 1, 2024

Hollow Moon Theory: Part 1

Hollow Moon Theory: Part 1


Excerpt From:

The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky


Our Moon is a very strange satellite, extremely so. So weird is it that many scientists find it altogether an unlikely thing even to exist. For example, Irwin Shapiro of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said:


“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist. The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.” [Emphasis added.]


    Isaac Asimov, an American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, and a famous Science Fiction writer also said:


We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there.”


Why is our Moon so strange, so unlikely a thing to exist? Well, the list of oddities about our lunar orb is a long one, but here are some of the major bizarre things about the Moon:

  An oddity. For one thing, the latest dating of the Moon rocks would seem to indicate the Moon is younger than we originally thought. Dating samples, more accurate ones, show the Moon is only 4.36 billion years old. This is much younger than the original estimates of 4.44 to 4.567 billion years in age.

What does this mean? Well, either the Moon formed much later on than we thought, or there was no sea of molten magma involved in its formation. This last seems unlikely. The lunar rocks are so depleted of hydrates; this shows they underwent a great heat and so must have melted to liquid magma at some point.

If one buys the impact theory as the origin of the Moon, then estimates are that during the collision of the two planets, Theia crashing into the Earth, temperatures could have been as high as 18,000° in some areas of the explosion. This would vaporize any volatile constituents of the rocks before reforming into the Moon. Certainly, the surface of the Moon should have been all magma, hot liquid rock at one point when first forming. Yet, the theory requires Theia to have impacted Earth much earlier on. So how do we resolve this dilemma? Well, at present, scientists can’t. They don’t have an explanation.

Protoplanet “Theia” Crashing Into Earth


Oddity of no volcanoes. The maria on the Moon, those large dark “seas” or plains of lunar material are supposed to be from magma, flowing molten rock. Yet, there seems to be no volcanoes on the Moon. There should be at least long-extinct ones if the Moon ever had a molten core. We’ve yet to discover any.

Another oddity. The orbit of the Moon around the Earth. It is almost perfectly circular. Why is this strange? Well, almost all orbits of planets are elliptical, being sort of a slightly squashed circle in shape.

Even planets found orbiting other star systems, and we have found at least a couple thousand of those already so far, have elliptical orbits. So in other words, the Moon is not only in a strange orbit by our solar system’s standards, but it’s even strange for any solar system, apparently. There are many theories as to why this might be, but none seems adequately to explain it well. There are flaws, big ones, inherent in all of them.

Another oddity about the Moon’s circular orbit. Because of the nature of the orbit, the Moon‘s center of gravity does not align with its geometric center. It is off by some 6,000 feet, well over a mile (1,828.8 meters, approximately). What does this mean? Well, by all rights, the Moon should have a pronounced wobble because of this fact. Yet, amazingly, it doesn’t. The Earth does, as it should.

Moon’s Circular Orbit


The oddity of the Moon’s convenient diameter and the solar eclipse. Peculiarly, and highly coincidentally, the Moon’s diameter, combined with its distance from Earth allows our sister world to perfectly blot out the sun during a solar eclipse. This is just another one of those “oddities,” it seems, because no other planet in our solar system has a moon that will do this anywhere nearly so perfectly and there are hundreds of such moons. Even Isaac Asimov made the comment:


“There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”


Blessed, indeed; an odd choice of words for Isaac Asimov to have used. It implies this is just short of being a miracle. On the one planet in the system with intelligent life that can use such a “blessing” to such great advantage to learn things about our universe around us we have our peculiar Moon. Just another coincidence?

The truly bizarre oddity of the bell effect. There is something else very weird about the Moon. It was first recognized with the lunar Landers, and once having done their job, having been allowed to crash back onto the surface of the Moon. The result of these crashes was a phenomenon known as “resonance.”

In simpler words and wholly unexpectedly, the Moon rang like the proverbial “bell.” (And bells are hollow.) Actually, some resonance is to be expected. Even when solid rock is struck, it tends to vibrate, but not like this!

This “resonance” or ringing went on for a very long time. On November 20, 1969, which was the first time, the Moon “rang” for over an hour! Subsequently, when a portion of the Apollo 13 rocket, the third stage, struck the lunar surface, the Moon rang again, this time for over three hours! A ringing bell, indeed!

The vibrations went as deep as 25 miles. Lunar seismographs, left on the Moon to record seismographic events, such as possible moonquakes, recorded this. This vibrating implies there could well be no lunar core at all because normally, such quakes should travel right through the Moon’s core, as they do on Earth.

Moon Resonates Or Rings Like A Bell


Helium 3 oddity on the Moon. Unlike on Earth, there is, apparently, a great deal of Helium 3 on the Moon. Helium 3 is simply helium molecules made up of three atoms of Helium, but again, this is a rarity on the Earth.

Estimates indicate there may be as much or even more than 1,100,000 tons of Helium 3 on the Moon. This is a phenomenal amount, and it has incredible implications. You see, Helium 3 is the ideal fuel for fusion power, which is even now in its later stages of development, with some real success in that endeavor being achieved in just the last few years.

As a fuel, about 100 tons of Helium 3 would supply all of us on Earth with enough energy for an entire year. So if we do develop successful fusion power plants, the demand for Helium 3 will be great. In addition, the Moon would be the best available source of such fuel and in great quantities.

Helium 3 Supplying Energy


The oddity of moonquakes. This is a particularly strange oddity, even strange by the Moon’s standards for such things. During the Apollo missions from 1969 to 1972, and as mentioned earlier, seismic recorders were installed, left behind on the Moon. No one at the time thought this meant very much, that there would be any actual results.

However, contrary to this idea, there were results, and lots of them! There have been literally hundreds of moonquakes, some reaching as high as 5.5 on the Richter Scale. Considering the Moon has no tectonic plates, no continental drift, and probably a frozen core (if at all), scientists couldn’t understand how this could be. Moonquakes must be caused by something other than what causes them on Earth. Just what that “something” is, scientists can only conjecture.

The oddity of the Moon’s low density. The density of our Moon confuses scientists. The density is just too low for an object that size, if it is made of the same basic types of materials that make up the Earth, which for the most part, it seems it is.

Weird oddity of strange elements that shouldn’t be there. As it also turns out, the samples of lunar rocks were largely made up of ilmenite, a dark, metal-oxide mineral, and one rich in Titanium. Titanium is a popular metal because of its lightness, strength, durability, and hardness. It is also an expensive metal, because of its relative rarity and cost of refining.

Apparently, the Moon, “oddly” enough, has plenty of it, although on Earth, it isn’t nearly so plentiful. Also, lunar samples contained Neptunium 237, as well as Uranium 236, elements not found on Earth to any real extent.

Neptunium 237 is found only in trace quantities here on Earth because of radioactive decay of Uranium, but it is unstable, and because it decays, as well, this is why there is so little of it left on Earth. Uranium 236, although more stable than Uranium 238 (hot radioactive), is rare on Earth for the same reason. It, too, decays.

So why is there so much of it on the Moon? This is a mystery, because the only way we can obtain it in any quantity is through artificial, “manmade” means here on our world. In other words, here on Earth, if we want it, we have to make it. Is it natural on the Moon for some reason, but not here, or did somebody have to “make” it there, as well, and not too long ago, geologically speaking?

Fog bank or cloud oddity on Moon. Strangely, monitoring instruments left behind on the Moon to collect data registered a “cloud” of water vapor. This occurred March 7, 1971. This “cloud” drifted over the lunar surface, and remained detectable for 14 hours, approximately. The “cloud” encompassed approximately 100 square miles. On the Moon, there is supposed to be virtually no atmosphere at all, being a near perfect vacuum there, so finding water vapor in such an amount is very odd, to say the least.

Finally, with regard to the strangeness of our Moon, it should be noted that NASA, itself, commissioned a special report, Technical Report R-277 “Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events.” Again, the report, compiled at the behest of NASA, dates back to 1500 B.C.E and up to relatively recent times, the mid-1960s, and covers some five hundred years of lunar oddities.

Locations Of Some Transient Lunar Phenomena


This period was chosen because it starts when the telescope first began to be used and such use became ever more prevalent with each succeeding century. Apparently, the premise was that with the help of telescopes, such observations would be more reliable.

However, the reports of strange events on the Moon date back far earlier than just this period. Even so, the report relies only on observers with telescopes who include many truly famous names in science and astronomy, their credentials, therefore, being impeccable.

Just what did they see on the Moon? Well, you name it, and it seems someone saw it. Everything from “lightning,” “glows,” “streaks,” “mists,” “vapors,” “beacons,” “pulses of light,” “moving lights,” “volcanoes,” “beams,” “clouds,” “tracks,” and more, have been observed. These have been seen not only repeatedly, but sometimes for long durations, extending for months, some over several years, and so witnessed by far more than just one lone astronomer of the times.

So common are the sightings that even now, NASA has coined the term “Transient Lunar Phenomena” to describe them. However, this is a catchall phrase and includes every kind of sighting mentioned above, and more.

But what are they? Naming something doesn’t really tell us what it is, or what causes it. As just one example, take “volcano” sightings on the moon. Of course, scientists have determined if there were ever volcanoes on the Moon, they ceased well over a billion or more years ago. So just what the “volcanoes” seen on the Moon in the report are, remains a total mystery. Yet many astronomers according to the report, observed them, or at least called something they saw by that name. As for other bizarre things about our moon, here are a just a few more:

Strange Aristarchus Crater, the “Blue Gem.” This crater has a long history of bizarre events. Strange lights, blue flashes, blue mists, blue glows, you name it, Aristarchus seems to have had them over the centuries. In more recent times, 1963, observations done at the Lowell Observatory reported “reddish glows” along the tops of ridges of the crater. Then, some days later, multicolored lights were reported being seen on the Moon, and by more than one observatory, thus corroborating each other that such events actually occurred. 

Moreover, these observations did not occur during a sunset or sunrise on the Moon, so it was not a “trick of the lighting.” However, so often are blue flashes, lights, “blue beacons,” and blue pulses seen there by observers that the Aristarchus Crater has earned the nickname, “the Blue Gem.”

The “Blue Gem” Aristarchus Crater


The oddity of heavier rock on the surface of the Moon. There are three different layers of material on the outer surface of the Moon. There may be more, but these are the ones known so far. Oddly, the densest of these, meaning the heaviest type of rock, is found on the surface of the Moon. This shouldn’t be, because as we all know, denser materials, being heavier, sink.

Lighter material floats. Therefore, the densest materials should be at the center of the Moon, not at the surface. That’s the way it is on Earth, and should be on the Moon, too. But this is not the case.

Why? Scientists don’t seem to know. Oh, they theorize but they still haven’t come up with any substantial/adequate theory to explain this oddity yet.

So there you have it! Our Moon is strange in many aspects and not all of them have been mentioned here for lack of space. There are more, many more!

So the next time you look up in the sky, and see our old familiar yellow Moon, just remember, it’s not nearly as ordinary or mundane as you might have thought. In fact, as mentioned earlier, it isn’t ordinary at all, but rather quite extraordinary. As some scientist put it, by rights, it should not exist at all, and that it would be easier to explain the lack of a moon, than our Moon’s existence with all its oddities.

In my next article, I will discuss just how the Moon and these oddities might have come about, how mainstream scientists attempt to explain them, but with all their solutions having problems, as well. There is one solution, however, that explains everything bizarre about our Moon, but that is a subject for the next article.